What a difference a few….

What a difference a few hours can make. I woke up at 7 this morning and looked out and it was raining, by 8:15 we had a few inches of nice thick system snow. Now its 11 in Frederic and we are up to about 4 inches of the same nice thick system snow. Sure looks alot better than yesterday. Here is a link to the news story of me whining about no snow, guess they should new a new story now. News Story on lack of snow at Sledheads Still had people coming back from the u.p. yesterday that stopped in and the general consensus was that trails east of Strongs and Eckerman up towards Brimley were much better than everything to the west of there with the feeling being that everyone headed to the west which made alot more traffic that way. Anyways thats old news now as we are getting a decent amount of new fresh system snow. Only problem is how long will it last? Or will it even make it thru New Years. Maybe with a bit of luck it will but I still saw 40s for thursday on the weather this morning…….Keep up the snow chants…..Pics below from out front this morning and including the same side view from the past few days. Already sold 3 trail permits this morning…..MO MO NAH CHEE CHEE NAH………….Thanks for checking in…Pete

same side view but looking way better

just what we are looking for

look at the tire tracks

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