Raining, Nasty, Ugly & 35 degrees

Raining, Nasty, Ugly & 35 degrees. Its been raining most of the night and all morning, Now about noon in Frederic. Most everyone that stopped in here on saturday were people on their way home from the u.p. and everyone of them said they couldnt believe how many trailers they saw going north. I would imagine they are all on their way back home again this morning. Outlook still not looking promising. TV 7 & 4 stopped by here yesterday to do a story on how bad things are in the snowmobile business. I had one person I know in the u.p. and 2 from downstate tell me they saw the clip but so far I dont see it posted on their site so when it does come up I will post a link to it on here. What white there was left on the ground is now very hard and slick ice and makes for some slick driving. Down at my storage units it is very slick in there and if you have a trailer in there go in very slow and make sure you are in 4 wheel as its way to slick there. Thanks for checking in. Its now about noon and only one set of people in here so far, going to stay here till 2 or 3 just to see if anyone is making a pit stop here on their way south. Pete

Same view sunday morning, just more grass

Cole from TV 7 & 4 in T.C. stopped to do a story on lack of snow

TV 7 & 4

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