Time to Ride

Time to Ride……finally this is going to be the first real weekend of the season. I took my first ride last night with my friend Tim. We rode up to Starvation lake and then to the settings and on to Waters.. Trail 4 from settings to waters was supreme and we caught up to the groomer just outside of waters. Things seemed weird when we got to waters as it seemed very dark. There was a note on the front door of the Keg that said closed due to no power. We talked to the girl there and she said power was out from Gaylord to Frederic, we headed down trail 7 to come back to Frederic and that was horrid, that trail had not been touched so I took off to some two tracks to ride back to Frederic on something that wasn’t so rough. When we got back to Frederic it was pitch black here too. The only place in Frederic with power was the Frederic Inn as they have a generator. Even my storage units were out of power. I guess the outage lasted about 3 hours. Its snowing right now with more supposed to be on the ground by tonight. I have been plowing all morning and I think there has been 8 to 10 inches of new stuff. It was nice riding last night on a little bit of soft snow instead of rock hard icy trails. Pics below were on our ride last night. 42 turkeys in one group and a shot of Tim and I at the Hideaway. The other pic of the guys by the trailer were out back here at my park n ride of guys from St Louis. The one guy (who bought a new sledheads fleece this morning) said he has been reading me for 15 years…….Thanks for that. Please Ride Safely and Thanks for checking in. PeteIMG_8245 IMG_8246 IMG_8249 IMG_8252 IMG_8250

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