Its Winter time in Northern Michigan

Its winter time in Northern Michigan. Took long enough to be able to say that. I would say we had a total of 10 to 12 inches since yesterday. I started plowing at 7 this morning and just finished. What great conditions we have now. I left here at six last night and rode my sled home and out on the lake to a friends shanty that had a few friends out there. Ran into the grayling groomer and a lot of sleds on trail 7 on my way to grayling and it was a great ride. Trailer counts at the motels this morning were 5 at the Days Inn and 7 at the Ramada, I would imagine that will be going way up tonight. I have seen a few sleds rolling thru Frederic this morning but haven’t had any in yet. I pulled a good one last night as when I pulled my sled out to leave last night I left my big door open in the back of the shop. I couldn’t believe when I came around the corner and saw the door wide open. My first thought was someone broke in. It didn’t occur to me that I wasn’t smart enough to close it. Sure had a lot of snow blow in but I knew no one had been in as the alarm would have gone instantly if someone walked in. I guess I was to excited to leave to ride last night. Looking forward to the first real snowy weekend of this season. I talked to two different sets of riders that rode up to the bridge yesterday so that is starting to happen now. The first riders of the day were just in and that was Joe & Amy from Lovells. They are excited to be out for a ride and just left with their new Sledheads shirts…….Thanks Joe & Amy and Thanks for checking in and Please Ride Safely and ride right……PeteIMG_8254 IMG_8256

grayling groomer on trail 7

grayling groomer on trail 7

grayling groomer on trail 7

grayling groomer on trail 7

grayling groomer on trail 7

grayling groomer on trail 7

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