Sunday Morning in Frederic

Pretty quiet here in Frederic this morning. Things were finally starting to kick in yesterday. Still not alot of riders but riders were rolling thru and those that were doing it were having a good time and that includes me. The 2020 Obama tour made their first appearance here for the season and I had dinner with them down at the Frederic Inn and then we headed out up to Starvation Lake. There were 7 of us total and the trail was as good as you could want all the way to the Hideaway. Our leader Bryce who proclaims to be related to Mr Obama was our evening entertainment. The tour hails from down by Cleveland and they were hyped up to watch the football game. Me I am old and slow so I rode back to Frederic which made it a nice 36 mile ride for my first time out of the season. The tour logged a couple hundred miles for the few days they were here. Now if we can just keep the snow coming and not have it melt off. I dont like the prediction of rain for later today. Thanks for checking in. Pics below are from last night before we headed out on our ride. Pete

Obama tour 2020

Obama tour 2020

Pete & Obama

Obama tour 2020

Hide away, Starvation Lake

HIde Away, Starvation Lake, lots of new parking area

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