Not looking good……

Not looking good at all. Its 34 out on Friday morning and this is the first day of winter. Most of the snow that has been on the ground has turned to glare ice and the weather forcast for after Christmas day is not looking promising yet either. Best thing that could happen is that Santa brings us a white Christmas, I have seen it happen before and it would be a pleasant surprise for all of us if it did happen. On a brighter note I just had a guy in here that was thinking positive and just bought a new helmet with electric shield. I also just got in a large order of new hoodies, t shirts and long sleeve t shirts for this year. Once I get them all out I will post pics on here. I also just posted a live feed video on my Sledheads facebook page….  The two pics below I just took outside the front door of Sledheads. Thanks for checking in. Peted dd


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