A little more snow fell, very little

About 1 more inch fell since my update yesterday. From my cameras I could still see the one set of car tracks thru my drive at Sledheads. So I am still sticking with my thoughts from yesterday that it would only be kind of good for the first couple sleds thru. I see all kinds of posts on people that want to or are coming up to ride saying its only carbides and slides, all I know is I wouldnt take my sled out  with what we have. I dont like it anymore than everyone else but thats just the way it is. On a brighter note I met Trevor Gruhn yesterday who is a regular reader from down by Kzoo. I fixed him up with a new Sledheads T and sweatshirt. He like everyone else wishes there was more snow too. We need a really heavy duty system snow to hit us. I talked to David over at the swamp last night and he said he only had 2 sleds in all day yesterday and that was about 9 last night. Thanks for checking in and if you do ride please ride safely. Pete

back parking lot at sledheads, friday

Trevor Gruhn sporting his new Sledheads shirts

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