WOW again

WOW again but in a totally different view. It is so hard to believe that we had such an incredible perfect condition snowfall on Monday afternoon and night. Sleds were out all over. Tuesday morning my brother and I decided to go for a ride leaving Frederic about 11 a.m. Lots of sleds out enjoying the perfect conditions. We rode freshly groomed trails from the Kalkasa system out to Shirleys for lunch and then Cranberry Lake trail south of 72 finding lots of great snow. Then all of a sudden in just a couple hours dirt started showing thru trails and roads were clearing fast. We had a good 8 inches of new snow just hours before. So things went from fantastic to poor in no time. Back to just watching and hoping for new snow to hit us. What a roller coaster of a winter. Pic below is my brother and I stopped at my house on the way back to Frederic, I didnt like skidding my sled down the pavement back to the trail. Thanks for checking in. Pete

Pete and Alex, was this our last ride of the season?

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