Winter roller coaster, up and down to incredible heights. Started out sunday morning on another great ride with the snow that hit us on saturday, We started out in Grayling yesterday morning and headed out to Lovells. Really great snow but by the time we came back into Frederic about 1 things were heading downhill fast like a ice slushy cone on the hot pavement. Still all in all a great 2 days of riding with about 70 miles each day. Had several messages from people who got in good rides too. Reports of people seeing both the Lewiston & Gaylord groomers. Only 4 days left to this sled season and I have to say I had way more fun riding on saturday and sunday instead of sitting inside Sledheads waiting for customers and watching them have fun while I work. My brother and Tim & Vance are heading out to try it one more time today. I am good with the riding I got in. By the time I left Sledheads at about 4 yesterday my parking lot was almost all dirt again. Didnt last long but while it was here it was great. Pics below are all from sundays ride….. Thanks for checking in. Pete

swamp at 2 p.m.

air to ground range near lovells

trail 47 to lovells

trail 47

swamp at noon

swamp at noon