Sunny 25 degree sunday at noon

Sunny 25 degrees sunday at noon in Frederic. Sleds have been out and about all morning and trails looking pretty decent. I went out for a 20 mile ride last night and have to say I was surprised how much snow was out there. Many two tracks we were on had to have almost a foot on them. Sled traffic was heaviest of the season on saturday and everyone having a good time. Now the next question is will this hold and will we get more snow this week. Also I still have 3 different bags here that have been lost off of sleds. If you are missing a bag off your sled give me a call. Have on arctic cat bag and one polaris hard bag and another generic blue bag. Another good nite for prime rib at the Frederic Inn too. Had to wear my snowmobile man bib to keep my shirt clean. Thanks for checking in. Pete

frederic prime rib

saturday sleds

saturday sleds

saturday sleds

Comparing beards with Bennie

Swamp at night

Frederic Inn Prime with my man bib on….

Annie had to try on my buffalo,

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