Still waiting

Still waiting on winter to show up. We had another dusting of snow overnight but as I keep saying we are still a long ways off for rideable conditions. I was in town here this morning at 8:30 and took the pic below of a truck and sleds at the gas station here. I imagine they were on their way back from the u.p. or heading there. It looks like there has been some riding going on in the Seney, Grand Marias, areas according to pages I just looked at. I was up at Lakes of the North early this morning to list a home up there and did see sled tracks from last night that had crossed the trail near the Settings but that was the only tracks I saw. While its still all white there its the same as it is here, just not enough. So I am tied the past 2 days with one customer in on both Friday and Saturday, so now the question is will I tie that again today on sunday or will I maybe make it to 2 or 3? Its a good thing I have other work to do in here. Stopped at Doug and Coleens last night when I was heading home, they had a nice fire going and they had their sleds out earlier in the day just to clean the garage but they looked good sitting out there. Also a big THANK YOU shout out to Brook who brought me up some coneys from Mega Coney in Fenton. That is much appreciated……..Thanks for checking in. PeteIMG_7895 IMG_7901 IMG_7904 IMG_20181229_140843970

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