Still a waiting game, still working or riding on the four inches we had come down over a week ago. On the bright side they are calling for some snow starting saturday and for a few days which doesnt help us much for this weekend. It was dead around town again on thursday with a few sleds around. The biggest issue with there not being much snow is riders saying they are getting hot sleds as there just isnt enough to cool them. I checked the motel lots this morning and only 1 trailer at Days Inn and 3 at the Ramada but about ten Hummers and trailers there as they always show up this time of year. Most likely next weekend is when all the jeeps show up. This weekend there is a pink ribbon riders group having a ride out Gaylord. Tip up Town is going on down in houghton lake……Wish I had better snow reports for you. Todays pics are from the gas station in Frederic last night and this morning at the parking lot just west of Grayling and then trail 7 north to Gaylord at Hlulbert road on the north end of Frederic. Please ride safely and Thanks for checking in. Pete

Riders Thursday nite at the Frederic gas station

Riders Thursday nite at the Frederic gas station

Trailhead just west of Grayling on M 72 Friday morning

Trail 7 north at Hulbert Road in Frederic Friday morning

Friday morning riders from Port Huron