SNOW, SNOW, SNOW AND LOTS OF IT. Sometimes the snow chant of MO MO NAH CHEE CHEE NAH works better than others. This week it has really kicked in. Weather forcast is great thruout next week and my gut feeling is this coming weekend will be the busiest of the season. Plenty of riders out yesterday and today too. You don’t want to ride off trail alone because you want someone there to help you dig out, riders were getting stuck on the regular trails yesterday. Finally got my plow truck back going again about 6 last night so that’s good and I have the lot out back all plowed now. There are spots where the rain went thru to the bottom and there is slush below the snow. I think the groomers are waiting for that to freeze up which should happen pretty quick as it was 8 degrees this morning. I talked with Brandi & Pat last nite and they had left Gaylord at 8:30 in the morning and made it back to Pittsburg at 5:30 last nite…. I did find some water while plowing out back. I will most likely not have an update on till later on tomorrow afternoon so look later in the day for one. Pics below I took around here this morning. My carport is so full of drifted snow underneath it looks like I plowed it in there but it is just a giant drift in it. Thanks for checking in. PeteIMG_8745 IMG_8748 IMG_8749 IMG_8750

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