Quiet and Calm this morning

Its a quiet and calm morning in Frederic @ 30 degrees. Just a micro dust skiff of new snow overnight. I had 2 calls from people telling me they saw the Gaylord groomer heading towards Frederic yesterday, I went up the road and found him and talked to him. Pics below, he said he was just panning and he was just trying to get the groomer to the shop as one of the tie rods was about to break in the front so hopefully he made it back. I also sold a trail permit to a guy yesterday and that was the first permit I have sold since Feb 18. Also had reports of many trailers at the parking lot west of Bear Lake which stands to reason with conditions being better north and west of Frederic. A sheriff deputy told me he counted 48 sleds at the bar in Lovells yesterday. Also heard that Lewiston had a groomer out too. Also a shout out once again and a big Thank you to Brook who was kind enough to bring me up 6 coneys from Mega coney in Fenton, I will have a great breakfast and lunch the next few days. The Veterans ride is getting geared up to leave this morning up in Seney. They put a fantastic event together and usually have about 300 sleds ride in it. The amazing thing is the groups that they divide up in to and how they can keep it all moving. A truly great ride and cause. I am bummed that I am missing it this year. Thanks for checking in. Pete IMG_1547 IMG_1548 IMG_1549 IMG_1550

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