New Snow!

New Snow fell overnight, its a whole 2 inches of a decently tight packed snow. Supposed to be another couple inches tonight. While I wouldnt ride on this stuff myself I know there are people that would and I expect I will see a few sleds out there today and tommorow. I was out for a drive yesterday afternoon and I have to say there is still alot of snow in the woods in many places. Trails are a different story but hey its all we have. I just had 2 guys stop in and they are on their way to the U.P. to Marquette and they hope to ride up to Copper Harbor. I should have locked the door and went with them. I took the same 3 pics outside of the shop here that I took yesterday and you can see it looks way better than a bare parking lot but remember it is just 2 inches. Lets see how the day turns out. I did post a video update on my Sledheads of Frederic, Michigan Snowmobiling page as I pulled into town this morning along with a ride thru my storage lot. Thanks for checking in. Pete

Friday monring looks way better than thursday morning

Friday monring looks way better than thursday morning

Friday monring looks way better than thursday morning

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