Just another beautiful sunny spring day

Just another beautiful sunny spring day at about 32 degrees and its gonna get warmer than that, forcast for the next few days pretty much still sucks. When I stopped at the National Weather service last week I got the new phone number for their forcast line. Just call this number and follow the prompts for the 3 day forcast or the extended forcast. Its a handy number to have. I used to call it all the time and then a few years ago it changed and I could never get thru. I did just listen to the extended and they are calling for snow thurs, friday and saturday…….I guess we will have to see how that really pans out. The number is 989 731 6860. They do a great job of keeping it updated. Other than that its the same old blah blah blah. Pic below my friend sent me yesterday of his plate at the breakfast buffet at the Swamp. Julie does a great job of putting out a big variety of breakfast goodies. I highly recommend it. Thanks for checking in and do some snow chants. Pete

Swamp weekend breakfast buffet

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