It’s over……..(maybe)

It’s over……(maybe) you just never know if its really over.. Still white out there but very thin towards grayling and not to many people were around on sunday. I only stayed till about 2:30 on Saturday and headed off to TC and was surprised to see the west parking lot out by Bear Lake with 15 to 20 trailers at it and the pics below I took at the Swamp and Tinkers Junction as I was leaving town. So there were quite a few people out there that did manage to get some riding in. Temps are supposed to get warmer this week so barring another storm it might really be over. My daughter and I decided to make a quick overnight trip to Chicago so that’s why I left early Saturday. I didn’t feel I was missing to much business and when we got back yesterday morning I came straight to Frederic from the airport and it was like a ghost town around here and I did check the west parking lot again out by Bear Lake and there were only 2 trailers there. So once again I guess I am going to my summer schedule but will try to update every couple of weeks. Thanks for checking in. Pete

The Swamp, Sat afternoon

The Swamp, Sat afternoon

The Swamp, Sat afternoon

The Swamp, Sat afternoon

Tinkers Junction, Sat afternoon

Tinkers Junction, Sat afternoon

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