I woke up excited this morning

I woke up excited this morning. What woke me up was the sound of the county snow plow going by my house. I figured that meant we got dumped on over night. I heard it making repeated passes but figured I would just stay in my nice comfy bed……Well after a while I figured I better get up and get ready so I could go out and plow too. I opened the door to see a nice white half inch of fluffy new lake effect snow. I cant even imagine why they sent those trucks out to do that. Its 11 a.m. on tuesday morning in Frederic. 29 degrees and sunny. I guess maybe next sledheads shirt I will do will be just Blah, Blah, Blah……..Also please ride safely, death count is now up to 3 with the newest one happening at Fife Lake, south of Kalkaska…..Thanks for checking in. Pete

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