Day 2 of the new season

Day 2 of the new season. Well things stayed pretty firm yesterday. There were 7 sleds over at the swamp last night and I saw a few during the day yesterday plus Chris Jones who parked his trailer out back here and went for a 60 mile ride. Pic of the trail below is from him on his ride and the note he sent me on the condtitions.

Well made it back to the truck at Slehheads. I got 60 miles in today, went out and screwed around a little bit and went up to Starvation Lake to Hideaway got a bite to eat and then came back. Are the trails the best? no, are they rideable? yes
 Attached is a pic of General condition of the trails pretty much everywhere. Yes there was worse areas and yes there was better areas, but far more better than worse.
I know everyone is itching to get out there but I think its gonna be a while yet. Thanks for checking in. Pete

pic from Chris of trail he rode

7 sleds at the swamp friday nite

got my signs back up

got my signs back up

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