Crunchy 8 degrees and foggy

Its a crunchy 8 degrees and pretty foggy out this morning, I think the fog was from the warm snow from yesterday and extra cold this morning as of course there was not even a hint of snow. Even frosty cover in the trees too. I got here to frederic at 9 and did hear a sled off in the distance. Anyone on a sled in these conditions is not snowmobiling. They are riding a flat tracked vehicle over the stones, dirt and ruts. A guy called yesterday from grayling wanting to rent a sled ( I havent done that in ten years)…..I told him what I thought of the conditions and he said he saw alot of snow in grayling……thats what he wanted to do so I told him where he could get a sled to rent….Even if I did rent sleds there is no way in the world I would send them out in this……I took the picture below out the front door here a bit ago. Thanks for checking in. Pete

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