Cold 10 degrees, crunchy and rock hard

Its a cold ten degrees, crunchy and rock hard saturday morning at Lake Margrethe……No new snow in the past couple of days. I did see a few sleds out and about on friday and we do still have alot of white this morning but I think its pretty tough riding. Yesterday afternoon I did talk to some riders that had gone from Alba to Waters and said that section was primo. So that leads me to believe that later in the day when it warms up a bit things melt a bit and will give you some lube and better riding base. Its a very tough call right now and with 2 days of 50 degrees predicted that sure wont help either. I had a message from Tom P who was riding up in the u.p. and he said they were having a good ride and of course today is the vets ride in Seney and those guys where the best snow is. I see the final post got on for the Darkside Adventures trip and the pics on there are great. Here is a link to their blog  Thanks for checking in. Pete

Darkside Adventures group

cool place in quebec

wish we had snow like this

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