Calm and quiet wednesday

Its a calm and quiet wednesday morning. About 28 degrees out. The few inches of snow that we do have has been staying put because it has stayed cold out. Still no real base they are still calling for a little snow but supposed to drop to the teens on friday and for the weekend. Who knows which way its going to end up. I always say I will believe it when I see it. So to switch subjects on to Real Estate. I am pretty sure I am going to get a new listing this weekend on a mobile home with a roof over it on ten acres about 7 miles east of Grayling. Its being sold as is. The owner moved out a couple years ago and passed away so everything that is there goes with it. It will be  a project for someone but on the up side there was a new four inch well installed in 2020 and a new septic installed in 2017. I see antifreeze in the toilet but do not know if place was properly winterized. The propane tank was removed. There is a 12 x 16 shed on the property and nice big pine trees. 2 bedrooms one bath. Give me a call if you want info if I get it on the market. 989 344 1800 Thanks for checking in. Pete

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