Its a sunny and cold snowless saturday, I finally showed up here to Sledheads about 11 to spend the rest of the day here. This morning was one of the coldest mornings of the whole so called winter at about 5 degrees out when I got up. Now its up to 22 degrees On the way here I saw two atv’s and 2 side bys out riding near Tinkers Junction. I also saw one sled heading south but that was on a trailer. A couple friends pointed out that my travels in the past week took me from Lake Superior at the Soo for the I 500 and thats as far north as you can go to Key West as far south as you can go on the Atlantic to Santa Barbara on the Pacific at the west coast. And on the way back a pit stop in Denver in the Mile high city. I keep sitting here day dreaming about places to go. I saw a post from Alaskan Toy Rental in Palmer , AK and that is intriguing. A big shout out to Farmer Scott down in Ohio who bought me a delicious as usual prime rib dinner at the Frederic Inn last night. Thanks Scott. My photographer on the other hand didnt do my picture any justice. I also got to wear my man bib made for me by Mrs Moorbeck. It sure helps keep my shirts clean. Thats enough rambling for today. Cant was for the 50 degree end of February weather next week. Thanks for checking on. Pete

Frederic Inn Prime, just the way I like it

sporting my sled themed man bib

I need a new photographer