Zero, Zilch, Nothing, Thats what we have for snow. We are back to square 1, the picture below I just took with my camera out the front window of Sledheads looking towards the Swamp…..Forcasts for this week do not look good either. I was planning on opening the shop back up today as it is the beginning of Hell Week but I am going to hold up as I feel the traffic is going to be very slow. People plan on this week well in advance and still come up anyways even if they cant ride but I am sure alot will stay home too. It makes me wonder if it will get busy with side bys and 4 wheelers…..From what I was reading online there seems to be some riding going on in the u.p. .I am glad I got my 2 rides in on my sled before my surgery……Thanks for checking in. and think SNOW……..Pete

Sunday Morning 8:35 a.m