YOU BIG DUMMY, thats what Fred G Sanford would have called me yesterday for continuing my ride. It was 17 miles of snow and snirt up to the Hideaway yesterday and I should have turned around there and came back, but I kept going, There were about 6 sleds at the hideaway and I went on to Alba where there were zero sleds at Green Lantern and a very dirty trail along 131. Actually the 12 miles of the Jordan Valley loop were not that bad but after coming out on the north end of it and up to Larrys in Elmira it was back to bad and zero sleds at Larrys. That should have told me something. I headed east back towards Gaylord and did much more road riding and pavement riding than I wanted to. I definetly need to check my slides and carbides. When I finally made it back to the trail 7 at the north end of otsego lake it was snirty but at least with snow mixed in it. The best snow the whole trip was from when I hit the crawford county line all the way back to frederic. From that line all the way back to sledheads it was still coated with that nice white 3 inches of new stuff that we got that night. Moral of the story was I should have stayed within 10 miiles of Frederic. But hey I did get to do jordan valley and got 85 miles in. It was so slow going as I was trying to keep my sled in any snow I could find. Things arent looking good for the next few days. Its about 10:30 thursday morning and 35 degrees right now . At least I know a guy that sells carbides and slides. Thats my story for riding yesterday but I just had 2 guys in that rode 125 miles yestserday and they passed me on the jordan valley trail. They said they had a good ride so thats great for them. I should have stuck with them. Also if anyone lost a bag off their sled near frederic on monday or tuesday night I know where it is. Give me a call if your missing a bag….Thanks for checking in. Pete

jordan valley

fresh possum stew

thursday morning

jordan valley

anyone need a suzuki

this was the hightlight of my ride

starvation lake store

hide away

antrim snow club

antrim snow club