WOW First Day of Winter

Wow, its finally here the first day of winter…….so the big question is will we really get hit with the BIG ONE as predicted. Time will tell on that. You know sometimes or should I say most of the times I wing my way thru life and am very spontaneous. Well on Sunday I decided I needed to do a day trip to Boseman, Montana, so monday morning I hopped on in Traverse and a few hours later landed in Boseman. One of the first friends I talked to said to me why did I come with the big storm coming. Well that was the first I heard of it. Anyways after all the talk about the storm and a tour around Boseman I figured I better get out tuesday morning. That was not as smooth as getting there, tried and couldnt get back to Chicago so now I am in Denver with not much hope of getting out till Friday.The good part is that I am at my daughters here so that is a bonus. I do have a ticket for Friday but the way they are talking flights might not be going.It feels like I am making my own Hallmark movie trying to get back thru the big storm. So until I get back which I hope is before monday I wont be open at Sledheads…….so much for me and my brainstorms..  Keep up the snow chants and maybe riding season will really be starting. Also please ride safely, there has already been on sled fatality a couple days ago.Thanks for checking in. Pete

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