Its a windy monday morning. Sunny and a cold 27 degrees. Mackinaw bridge is closed today to traffic due to wind. I decided to close on sunday and go riding. Went with 4 friends and we had a fantastic 50 mile all day ride. We found lots of untouched snow which really surprised me how much there was with many 12 to 18 inch spots. I had a slow speed fall off my sled incident where I was turning hard left and a stump hidden under the snow got my ski just right and rolled me off to the side. The snow was deep so there was no weight on me till the guys got the machine off me. That was the only incident of the day. Lunch at the Settings and back towards Waters and then Frederic. A Great day of riding but I am staying put today. Saturday had alot of riders here in town but still the snow is much better north and west of Frederic. Thanks for checking in. Pete

The Settings

The Settings

nice deep powder

great day for a ride

Waiting for the guys to help me out

I fell off my sled