Well we have had some snow, at Lake Margrethe about 5 inches, out by Lovells 8 inches. Weather is supposed to be in the 30s & 40s this week so I expect this to leave. Sorry I havent been on, I had round number 2 done on my right knee this year, the left one was last year. Recovering at home, and it was done on this past thursday. I like the pain but hopefully seeing that I am a month ahead of last year I will get some more riding in this season. Had a call from some Ohio guys that were on their way up to ride friday nite. There just isnt enought to do that yet but then again I saw a pic online of 3 sleds up at the Hide Away. You know when you get the itch to go you just have to do it. 10 days till the trails officially open. Thanks for checking in. Pete

just laying around waiting for snow