Well we had a few days of good snow, forcast is scary warm for the next few days. Same old story every year it seems like. Good snow than its gone. There is still alot of snow in the woods but the trails will get wiped out quickly with the warm temps they are predicting. Its 42 out right now at 11 a.m. I took pictures at the trail crossing just north of the high school on trail 7 both east and west to show it this morning. I will do it again tommorow morning to see how much it changes. Also going to post a pic of a post card of Frederic from what looks like the 1920s…….kind of looks like Buffalo NY does now……I wish I had better news….Thanks for checkin in. Pete

wednesday nite riders

trail 7 looking west, thursday morning

trail 7 looking east, thursday morning

Old Days in Frederic