Its a calm wednesday afternoon here in downtown Frederic, riders coming in saying they are getting beat up on the trails in all directions. I think Sled traffic is slower today than yesterday and the weather forcast is not looking like anything we want to see for the next few days. Hard to tell what will really happen but we get what we get. I have seen rain actually help out in the past but it depends how much and what happens after that. It is very icy underneath still. Finally got my back lot all plowed out with the help of a friend so we used two trucks on it. Your are welcome to park back there but I do take donations for plowing. STill cant believe how much snow we got this week…..The snow chant really worked well but it went into overtime. Thanks for checking in and please ride safely. Pete Also still looking for a lost wallet on the trail between frederic and gaylord, let me know if anyone comes up with it…..

Deke Senior & Deke Junior