Watch out for deer, thats todays safety warning. The pics below are from last night. It happened on trail 6 out towards Moorestown. Luckily he didnt get hurt. Keep your eyes peeled. Sleds were out and about all day wednesday. I think its going to be  a decent weekend. We sure could use more snow. The snow that has been groomed and run on so more snow would be nice on them. This is the most snow we have had in years. My thoughts are that its gonna be a big weekend, if you havent seent the weather for next week its not looking good. Monday, tues, wed gonna be above 32 with chances of rain showers. Who knows how long the warm up will be. It might actually help to create a better base if it does get cold enough. So once again the roller coaster game looks like its going to hit us. At least we have had one good week. Thanks for checking in. Pete

this was a good polaris before bambi took it out

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