Thursday Jan 23, 9:40 a.m.

It a nice 18 degrees out this morning in downtown frederic with a fresh 4 inches of lake effect. While I am never to thrilled about that things look very nice out there and its all we have. Temps will be good for riding this weekend and after the brutal minus 15 we had the past few days this is quite welcome. Things are supposed to stay decent with a little snow fall the next week. I only wish we could have got blasted the way downstate did by kzoo. My brother has been plowing for 3 days and I wanted to take my sled down there to ride but didnt want to try those minus temps. Dress warm, wear a back brace and you should be good. Thats the best I can tell you. I am actually getting my plow truck out today and gonna clean up a bit around Sledheads. I havent had it out in a week as I wanted what little snow we had to get packed down. thanks for checking in. Pete

thursday morning, 4 inches of fresh (lake effect)

temps are good at 18

this is just an old pic of me that came up on my phone this morn

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