last weekend in Brimley
This is really the end now. March 31st the official end of the riding season. I dont think we will forget this one for a long time. There have still been die hards trying to squeak out a little more in the u.p. but even they suffered with the rest of us this poor season. Last weekend Cliff and his wife tried the u.p at Brimeley and they stopped by on their way back. They got a little ride in up there. I just happened to be there so I got a couple pics of them. Also I had a nice message from Jim Wilkerson in Pennsylvania last week and it was good to hear from him. He usually comes our way to ride but of course I didnt see him this season. I am coming at you this easter morning from my cabin down at Wellston. There was certainly nothing going on in Frederic so I have been here for five days. Did alot of driving around and saw many sled trails that I had not seen before but of course they looked more like mud bog trails. Crystal Mountain in Thompsonville still had snow on it and they were actually still skiining there. Seeing the white hill was a pleasant surprise. I always say I go to Sledheads prison on December first and then I get paroled on the end of the day on March 31st. I guess this season I got early parole for good behavior. We will have to see what happens next season. This year I pretty much gave up and if there was rideable snow I was open other wise I just put the closed sign up. At least I had a few good trips during that time frame. As usual if you happen to come thru this summer and my truck or car is there stop in and say hi. Hopefully I will get some good get aways in there. Also remember I am still a Realtor with Century 21 Northland in Grayling so if you are looking to buy or sell Real Estate give me a call.
Thanks for checking in and remember start early with the snow chants. MO MO NAH NAH CHEE CHEE NAH….. Pete