Super Icy and hard, no lube, the 40s didnt do us any favors yesterday, it is so hard and icy out there that unless we get any snow riding is pretty much impossible. Even if we do get snow it will be so hard with what is frozen you would be fighting the frozen stuff underneath….Weather is talking maybe system snow on monday…..I will believe that when I see it. I dont know what has happened in the u.p. but maybe I will have some people stop by on their way up there. On my way home yesterday I pulled up to the stop sign by the high school and could see a sled coming down the trail at me and I thought well at least somebody is riding. I waited for him to get up to the corner and then took a pic of him which is below…….also pics below are the same spots that I took yesterday morning, If I just had a zamboni I could smooth out all the ice for the olympic skaters. Thanks for checking in. Pete

ice rink out front of Sledheads

thought this was a sled on trail 47 by high school

thought this was a sled on trail 47 by high school

trail 7 looking west north of high school, same spot as yesterdays pic

trail 7 looking east north of high school, same spot as yesterdays pic

Sledheads south side of building ice rink