Its a sunny and 12 degree thursday monring in downtown Frederic. There is a slight covering of snow over rock hard snow and ice from the past couple of days. I have had several calls about conditions. I was asked if I would ride in this. I guess it depends how desperate you are. Right now I say yes you could get a ride in on top of what we have now. If it starts melting remember you are on top of only a couple inches of snow and ice and then there is dirt. The trail north to gaylord looked decent for now anyways. Gaylord was supposed to have a snowmobile festival this weekend which they have caneled due to conditions. I did see one sled in town here this morning, so at least someone is out. I have been gone for 3 days and there were no tracks in my snow around the building……sounds like the same old blah, blah, blah……On the other hand I heard on the radio twice this morning that marquette had 21 inches yesterday. Biggest snowfall ever for February for them…..I wish I had better things to tell you. Thanks for checking in. Pete

thursday morning in Frederic….sunny & 12