Sorry I have been slacking a bit but nothing exciting has happened in Frederic, only an inch or two of new fluff in the past couple days. Sled traffic was still a little slow over the weekend but many riders have said that they are happy with what riding they have been getting in. My friend Big John headed off from Grayling this morning and about 1 I talked to him and he was sitting at the Mackinaw Bridge waiting to get shuttled across to St Ignace and his goal is to meet up with friends in Munising yet tonite. Munising is 200 mile from Frederic by car and I did that trip once years ago with Chubby Roger. We never arrived till 9 at night in Munising and we had left around seven that morning. I will enjoy hearing his story. The darkside guys riding up in Maine seem to be getting along good and didnt get hit to hard by the giant storm that maine was suppose to get. I sure widh michigan would get a giant storm more specifically northern michigan instead the southern half of the state. Thats it for now, will try to get on here before noon tommorow. To bad we dont have snow like the pics from Maine below. Thanks for checking in. Pete

New England OUtdoor center in maine

moosehead lake in maine…..