Its a slightly snowy monday morning in downtown Frederic. Its 10:45 a.m. and we have about an inch of new snow this morning. Nothing fell overnight. There was barely any sled traffic both saturday and sunday around Frederic. They say we are going to get a few inches today but there is still forcasts of warmer temps coming. I was hoping for a 3 or 4 inch thick snow by about noon so I could go out and try to take a ride. Pic out front here was about a half hour ago. Looks nice and white. brook Smith & his wife sent me a pic of his Sleheads hat in Cabo which sounds like a good idea to me too. The pic with the 2 trucks parked out back yesterday I would just like to point out if you park out back and I am not around start by parking with your rig facing either north of south and if you are first one in park as far to the east as you can so we can fit as many rigs back there as possible. I talked to the guys in the closer truck and they said they had a decent ride so they were happy. Lets see if Santa will help us out at all this week. Thanks for checking in. Pete

monday morning the 23rd

when parking out back start like the red truck in the background here. face north or south and as far east as you can

lounging in Cabo with Brook & Kathleen