Really?? 6 to 10 inches tommorow? I have a hard time buying it and as usual if that really happens its only good for the local riders as it doesnt give everyone else time to get here. My guess is it will be a wet sloppy mess and only a few riders will come out if any at all. There are so many variations in what is out there right now. Many wide open dry spots of dirt, many areas just like a mud bog and also many places that are solid ice. The two pics below I just took outside at about noon on Friday, the icy one is on the north side of Sledheads and the one with all the dirt is the south side of Sledheads. The icy spot is smooth and slick like the zamboni just groomed it. Sunday supposed to be back to 40s so who knows. Still just a bummer of a season and on the bright side there is one more week to this weeks season. Of course I would love to see a great ten inches of new rideable snow so do some heavy snow chants tongiht and it might all pan out. If we really do get it I probably wont open and try to go out and ride myself……Thanks for checking in. Pete

south side of Sledheads friday morning

Sledheads skating rink on the north side friday morning.