Its a quiet monday morning in downtown Frederic, weather is calling for a couple days of light snow but doesnt seem to promising once again for any great amount. Finally I had a decent ride in yesterday of 170 miles round trip from Frederic up to the bridge, up thru Alanson and back down thru Cheboygan. For the most part really good with only a few really thing spots by Alanson and Wolverine. Nine hours round trip. Stopped for hot chocolate at the Thirsty Sturgeon and a burger at the Key Hole in Mackinaw and other than that we were moving the hole time. I hope its not the end but heck we never really got started this entire season. On the bright side I am going to list a house down near Higgins Lake and then have another at the end of the week or start of next week to list in Houghton Lake, so thats good for a little income. And holy cow the mountain man came out of hibernation for the first time this winter. Thanks for checking in. Pete

buffalo down on the ground

at the bridge

Tim & Alex

and Holy Cow the mountain man showed up finally this winter