Perfect Weekend

Perfect Weekend and if you weren’t here you missed out on some incredible riding. Everyone that came in raved about how great it was and things weren’t busy at all. There were a few that came in that they had read on the internet that there was no snow in our area. I guess that helps the saying of fake news. Things turned around after the rain ended up being really good. I rode home last night after another yummy prime rib at the Frederic Inn. Its only a 14 mile ride home from here and this morning I left at 7:30 and decided to take the long route here which I went thru the back of Camp Grayling  to CCC Bridge road and up to the far west parking lot on 72 and had breakfast at Shirleys and then back to Frederic, got here just a little after 10 and a fantastic 50 mile ride here. Riding is what we all love to do but your sled will KILL YOU in a blink of an eye. I have heard of at least 3 accidents from yesterday along with one that was an airlift out. Well on the way here this morning on trail 679 I came up on an accident site. Pretty easy to spot considering all the blood in the trail. I could see exactly what happened. It was 679 just south of 612, sled was heading south going way to fast for a slight curve and slammed into a pine that didn’t budge. I have preached sled safety on here for years and it just makes your heart sink to see something like that on the trail. Pieces of sled and a pamphlet from a stifneck select that was left there from the emt’s……..Think before you squeeze the throttle……   Just had riders in here again that said they couldn’t believe how few sleds there are out there on the trails………Its now sunday morning about 11:30 a.m.  Forgot to mention about the herd of deer about ten of them that were running across the road in front of me, the road was icy and the deer couldn’t get traction as they ran across. They were burning hooves and it was funny to watch them trying to get traction. Thanks for checking in and PLEASE RIDE SAFELY, AND STAY RIGHT. Pete

Prime Rib @ The Frederic Inn

Prime Rib @ The Frederic Inn

Camp Grayling , sunday morning

Camp Grayling , sunday morning

The Pit, Camp Grayling , sunday morning

The Pit, Camp Grayling , sunday morning

Camp Grayling , afsunday morning, afgan village

Camp Grayling , afsunday morning, afgan village

Manistee River CCC Bridge , sunday morning

Manistee River CCC Bridge , sunday morning

accident site, trail 679, sunday morning

accident site, trail 679, sunday morning

accident site, trail 679, sunday morning

accident site, trail 679, sunday morning

accident site, trail 679, sunday morning

accident site, trail 679, sunday morning

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