perfect temp to ride

Its a comfy 20 degrees, a perfect temp to ride. I am still surprised at the lack of sleds around, granted snow is thinner here in Frederic than west of here but there are still not many around. Usually as long as it looks white the riders will show up. I had a group of 3 guys park out back yesterday and they were just here again this morning and they said they had a great ride yesterday going north and west and they are going to do it again today. I have had several people write and ask me why they are not grooming and its an easy answer. Not enough snow but Gaylord has been out each day here to Frederic and Grayling did do trail 7 to Frederic last nite. So its a start but we still need more snow for the groomers to pull and make it a nice trail. Pretty much the same story each day. The forcast for the next week calls for scattered snow most every day with acceptable temps so lets see how that works out. I finally got my sign made for my back parking lot with payment options of Zelle, Paypal and Venmo on it. If you do come here to park when you pull in go as far as you can to the east end of the lot and either pull or back in so your rig is facing north or south. I have talked to a few people this morning that have said the highway is busy with trailers heading north so thats a bit promising. Thats about it for friday morning so lets see what the weekend brings. Thanks for checking in. Pete

first riders for thursday & friday morning too

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