Its looking a little more white, out there . Its now 4:15 p.m here at Lake Margrethe, we have had a total of about 2 inches of snow since last night. Still not enough to ride on but we have to start somewhere. Its still in the 30s out there right now. I was up in Frederic around noon and the same amount snow there too. Remember yesterday was all dirt and no snow. I did see a couple side bys over at the swamp sunday afternoon but we want to see sleds. The 2 pics below I took about noon in Frederic and my friend Tim is riding up in Newberry and things look pretty decent today there, Last night he started out at the trailhead north of Newberry on 446. I like that starting point in Newberry cause you miss the big swamp there and its a decent parking lot. He rode up to Pine Stump today and pics are below too. Maybe by this weekend we can start getting some riding in here but I wouldnt expect great conditions. I am going to try to be open all the time starting thursday even though I have another doctor appt thursday afternoon. Thanks for checking in. Pete

Newberry Monday morning

Pine Stump Junction Monday afternoon

Pine Stump Junction Monday afternoon

Pine Stump Junction Monday afternoon
Sledheads Monday noon

Sledheads Monday noon