There is light snow in the air in downtown Frederic on thursday about 11 a.m. Supposed to get a little snow so this coming weekend of riding will be about the same as last weekend. Riders are still out there and you just have to deal with what we have if you want to get a ride in. I had full intentions of going for a little ride yesterday but the day got away from me and I never made it. Today makes six weeks since my knee replacement surgery so I wanted to just try an easy ride and see how it went. I guess it will be next week now. I sat on my sled and it felt pretty good, I just need to be careful. The Darkside Advnenture ride seems to be going good now, they made it out of New Hampshire and are up into Maine now and it looks like the North East where they are at is going to get blasted. If you havent checked out there blog I will put a link to it but if you click on their tab that says track us you can see exactly where they are at which is a pretty cool feature. I just wish some year I could ride with them. Darkside Adventures Blog Pic below is from their page from yesterday. Thanks for checking in. Pete

Darkside Adventures, somewhere in Maine