Let the winter begin……kind of…….yesterday was the busiest day of the season so far and its gonna be busier today, while conditions are still fair I think i hit it right on the head when I said that people are sick of waiting. Grayling motel counts were 11 trailers at the Days Inn and 20 trailers at the Ramada so that is the busiest there too. Talked to a guy from Saginaw who had his wheel chair on the back of his sled. He has to hang on with all his upper body and arm strength as his legs do not work. I rode with a friend years ago that was the same way and I remember asking him if he had velcro on his seat as you dont realize how much you use your legs. Glad to see these guys on the trails. The Obama Tour 2021 stopped in yesterday for their first visit of the season too. Pics below. Thanks for checking in and please ride safely. We only had another half inch of lake effect over night.

Ready to ride from the Ramada

Die hard rider from Saginaw…..& he is friends with my friend Steve from Dynamic Corvettes

Frederic Friday

Obama Tour 2021 finally visits Frederic

Obama Tour 2021