Last day of the season? or is it? March 31 sure came in a hurry this season. trails opened for the season December 1 and today is the end of the season. 16 weeks of season with maybe 9 decent days of riding in that whole time frame. Impending storm again for the u.p. later today and possibly for northern michigan tommorow. It pretty much rained all night long and is a big mud bog out there today. It is now just past noon on friday in frederic. I saw 2 side bys filling up at the gas station when I pulled into town so I figured todays pics would give you a look around Frederic. Also I would like to thank everyone that came in to see me this season. Many old faces along with many new faces. I have always said this place is kind of like a faucet. When there is snow people come pouring thru the door and when condtitions are poor the faucet is shut. This season more so than I have done in the past I closed many days when conditions were poor as there really isnt any sense in sitting here when there is no one around. I call that my indian hours… when I wanna be……which seems to be alot with the way the weather has been. At least I did manage to get in about 450 miles for the season and if we do get hit again this weekend I may get a few more miles in. I will try to put a few updates on over the course of the summer and remember only about 240 more days till the trails open up again. Remember me too if you are looking to buy or sell a cabin or home up north. Thanks for checking in and see you next season. In the summer when I am here if you see my truck or car out front stop in and say Hi. I dont usually turn on the open sign but if I am here come on in. Pete

friday at noon

friday at noon

gonna see alot more of these around for the summer