Its gonna be a nice weekend but a warm up coming after sunday. Its a nice and calm 16 degrees in Frederic this thursday morning. I had a great ride yesterday leaving Sledheads and heading off to the west. Trail 679 was great and all the way to Starvation Lake was great, then on to Alba and the Jordan Valley Trail. Rode the valley trail and it was a little ripply but not horrible. From there to Elmira with a stop to see Larry at Sevenski Inn. Had a great talk with Larry, he is 91 and still running that place. He said he was going to get his loader started to move some more snow. He said he is just glad he can do that at his age. He looks darn good for 91 and it was very nice to have a talk with him. He stopped in here at Sledheads years ago when I first met him. I headed east from Larrys on 4 and 76 and ended up a few miles north of gaylord on trail 7 and thats when it got rought. Apparenty Gaylord is having groomer issues so I rode back to Frederic and the bumps help keep the speed down. Stopped at Porter Haus at 7 for dinner and I was the only sled there. Hopefully they get the groomers fixed soon. All in All I had a great 90 mile loop. As in the past it seems north and west is the way to head. Thanks for checking in.

starvation lake

jordan valley

jordan valley

buried suzukis , look close

buried suzukis, look close