Happy Fall and 90 days till the start of the new sled season. I am certainly hoping for a better season than last year. I had a total of 200 miles in. I like to remember November 4, 1994 when we had a big snow storm and I pulled my sleds out and went riding and then we never lost the snow the rest of the winter. Boy would I like to see a winter like that again. I havent been on here all summer so I thought I would put a small update out there. All is well and I am ready to face the snow and sledders if they decide to show up this winter. Side by and atv traffic has been steady all summer with both the Swamp and Frederic Inn steady with machines. Even though I am only open in the winter you can stop by anytime if you happen to see my truck out front. My Sledheads number rings full time to my cell too if you want to call. Thanks for checking in. Pete

this pic showed up on my phone today from 7 years ago. At least a little snow in it.