Great Outlook for this week

Great Outlook for this coming week, except for the part that says maybe some rain tomorrow, snow predicted each day and has been lightly snowing here all morning. Its now noon thirty and 25 degrees. Have only seen three sleds today so far. Trails still great as everyone that was in yesterday said. Part of the trail to Lovells was closed over the weekend due to National Guard training but they are all open again now. You don’t want to be on the receiving end of a howitzer or tank shell. So back the please ride safely preaching. I know of at least 2 deaths in the u.p. this weekend and 3 accidents near Frederic. Pictures below are of the lady that was airlifted after she hit a tree and broke her femur. It was almost 2 hours till she was picked up and was near hypothermic which is why they flew her to T.C. She was riding with her husband and they of course enjoy riding this area. The first pic is of her femur, the second set of 3 pics are at her hip, mid femur, knee from the top to the bottom. They inserted a rod thru the knee and into the femur. So remember this when you are riding. She is lucky she is at least fixed up but it will be a long process.  Found the owner of one of the two items I had here in the lost and found. Still have one big item that no one has claimed and if I don’t find the owner I am going to sell it and donate the money to the United Way Fun Run that happened this past weekend. Thanks for checking in and Please ride safely & ride right. Pete

Broken Femur

Broken Femur

Knee at bottom & rod inserted up towards hip

Knee at bottom & rod inserted up towards hip

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