Temps are gonna be comfy and it will be a good weekend for riding. Sled traffic was marginal on thursday but I have seen quite a few so far this morning. No new snow overnight (thankfully) and its sunny out. Temps are supposed to warm thru the weekend but we have lots of snow so we should be good. For the third time I have had loaders here to pile snow at both Sledheads and my storage lot. They sure make some big piles in a hurry and thats a first for piles this big around here. Hopefully you can get out and enjoy the best snow we have had in longer than I can remember. Also the Darkside Adventures blog has begun. I only wish I could be with them, its an incredible adventures. Thanks for checking in and Please ride Safely. Pete

mount sledheads

grayling groomer at the Swamp thursday nite, Thank you Julie for feeding the groomers.

ride in control and stay right

moving lots of snow