getting close to 4,000,000th hit

I am surprised to see how fast the counter has been moving up and its darn close to 4 million. First person in with a picture of their counter at the 4 million mark gets one of my new Sledheads sweatshirts plus some other goodies and at the rate the counter has been moving it will probably be in the next few days.. So it was pretty slow around town here yesterday till after 3 and then riders started showing up. Also been slow this morning so far but far more sleds than yesterday at this time. Motels were empty but there were 2 riders with their sleds already fired up at the Ramada at about 7;30 this morning when I went thru there and they were the only ones at the Ramada. Grayling groomer was heading out today for the first time this season to start panning the trails. I think we had another 6 inches of new snow yesterday as I plowed everything here and then had to do it again today. Weather man JC says snow is done for a while now so its time to start up the snow chants again. Some real snow would be nice as all we have had so far is lake effect. I am already getting some good snow piles out there. Its a comfy 19 degrees out there and I wish I was out for my first ride. Thanks for checking in. Pete

relaxing Friday nite, at the Frederic inn

relaxing Friday nite, at the Frederic inn


filler up in frederic

filler up in frederic

Friday night, Frederic inn

Friday night, Frederic inn


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